
Python Codes for Statistics and Data Visualization in Climate Science

Download the Python code for the entire book:

1. Click Python to download the file named, the zipped Python code for the entire book.
2. Go to your Downloads folder to find the file.
3. Unzip the file to obtain nine .ipynb files corresponding to the nine chapters of the book.
4. Run the .ipynb files in the Jupyter Notebook environment or Colab.

Chapter-by-chapter Python code in html files for copy-and-paste:

Chapter 1: Basics of Climate Data Arrays, Statistics, and Visualization
Chapter 2: Elementary Probability and Statistics
Chapter 3: Estimation and Decision Making
Chapter 4: Regression Models and Methods
Chapter 5: Matrices for Climate Data
Chapter 6: Covariance Matrices, EOFs, and PCs
Chapter 7: Introduction to Time Series
Chapter 8: Spectral Analysis of Time Series
Chapter 9: Introduction to Machine Learning

Citation: Shen, S.S.P., and G.R. North, 2023: Statistics and Data Visualization in Climate Science with R and Python, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 391pp.