Statistics and Data Visualizations in Climate Science

with R and Python


A Cambridge University Press Book by

SSP Shen and GR North



Version 1.0 released in July 2023 and coded by Dr. Samuel Shen, Distinguished Professor
San Diego State University, California, USA





Chapter 9: Basics of Machine Learning

tWCSS calculation for N = 3 and K = 2

N = 3; K =2
mydata <- matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3.5), 
                 nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)
x1 = mydata[1, ]
x2 = mydata[2, ]
x3 = mydata[3, ]

#Case C1 = (P1, P2)
c1 = (mydata[1, ] + mydata[2, ])/2
c2 = mydata[3, ]
tWCSS = norm(x1 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x2 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x3 - c2, type = '2')^2
## [1] 0.5
#[1] 0.5

#Case C1 = (P1, P3)
c1 = (mydata[1, ] + mydata[3, ])/2
c2 = mydata[2, ]
norm(x1 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x3 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x2 - c2, type = '2')^2
## [1] 5.125
#[1] 5.125

#Case C1 = (P2, P3)
c1 = (mydata[2, ] + mydata[3, ])/2
c2 = mydata[1, ]
norm(x2 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x3 - c1, type = '2')^2 + 
  norm(x1 - c2, type = '2')^2
## [1] 3.625
#[1] 3.625

#The case C1 = (P1, P2) can be quickly found by 
kmeans(mydata, 2) 
## K-means clustering with 2 clusters of sizes 1, 2
## Cluster means:
##   [,1] [,2]
## 1  3.0  3.5
## 2  1.5  1.0
## Clustering vector:
## [1] 2 2 1
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1] 0.0 0.5
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  91.9 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"     "tot.withinss"
## [6] "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"         "ifault"
#Clustering vector:
#[1] 1 1 2 #points P1, P2 in C1


R Plot Fig. 9.1: K-means for N = 3 and K = 2

N = 3 #The number of data points
K = 2 #Assume K clusters
mydata = matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3.5), 
                nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)
Kclusters = kmeans(mydata, K) 
Kclusters #gives the K-means results, 
## K-means clustering with 2 clusters of sizes 1, 2
## Cluster means:
##   [,1] [,2]
## 1  3.0  3.5
## 2  1.5  1.0
## Clustering vector:
## [1] 2 2 1
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1] 0.0 0.5
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  91.9 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"     "tot.withinss"
## [6] "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"         "ifault"
#e.g., cluster centers and WCSS 
#Cluster means:
#[,1] [,2]
#1  1.5  1.0
#2  3.0  3.5
#Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
#  [1] 0.5 0.0
##   [,1] [,2]
## 1  3.0  3.5
## 2  1.5  1.0
par(mar = c(4,4,2.5,0.5))
plot(mydata[,1], mydata[,2], lwd = 2,
     xlim =c(0, 4), ylim = c(0, 4),
     xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y', col = c(2, 2, 4),
     main = 'K-means clustering for 
     three points and two clusters',
     cex.lab = 1.4, cex.axis = 1.4)
points(Kclusters$centers[,1], Kclusters$centers[,2],
       col = c(2, 4), pch = 4)
text(1.5, 0.8, bquote(C[1]), col = 'red', cex = 1.4)
text(3.2, 3.5, bquote(C[2]), col = 'skyblue', cex = 1.4)
text(1, 1.2, bquote(P[1]), cex = 1.4, col = 'red')
text(2, 1.2, bquote(P[2]), cex = 1.4, col = 'red')
text(3, 3.3, bquote(P[3]), cex = 1.4, col = 'skyblue')


R Plot for Fig. 9.2: K-means Clustering for 2001 Daily Weather

#data at Miami International Airport, Station ID USW00012839
dat = read.csv("data/MiamiIntlAirport2001_2020.csv", 
## [1] 7305   29
#[1] 7305   29
tmin = dat[,'TMIN']
wdf2 = dat[,'WDF2']
# plot the scatter diagram Tmin vs WDF2
#setEPS() #Plot the data of 150 observations
#postscript("fig0902a.eps",  width=5, height=5)
par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 4.5))
plot(tmin[2:366], wdf2[2:366], 
     pch =16, cex = 0.5,
     xlab = 'Tmin [deg C]',
     ylab = 'Wind Direction [deg]', grid())
title('(a) 2001 Daily Miami Tmin vs WDF2', cex.main = 1, line = 1)
axis(4, at = c(0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360),
     lab = c('N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW',  'W', 'NW', 'N'))
mtext('Wind Direction', side = 4, line =3)
#K-means clustering 
K = 2 #assuming K = 2, i.e., 2 clusters
mydata = cbind(tmin[2:366], wdf2[2:366])
fit = kmeans(mydata, K) # K-means clustering
#Output the coordinates of the cluster centers
##       [,1]     [,2]
## 1 21.93357 103.9161
## 2 18.38608 278.8608
#1 18.38608 278.8608
#2 21.93357 103.9161
fit$tot.withinss # total WCSS
## [1] 457844.9
#[1] 457844.9 for # the value may vary for each run

#Visualize the clusters by kmeans.ani()
mycluster <- data.frame(mydata, fit$cluster)
names(mycluster)<-c('Tmin [deg C]', 
                    'Wind Direction [deg]',
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 4.5))
kmeans.ani(mycluster, centers = K, pch=1:K, col=1:K,
           hints = '')