Statistics and Data Visualizations in Climate Science

with R and Python


A Cambridge University Press Book by

SSP Shen and GR North



Version 1.0 released in July 2023 and coded by Dr. Samuel Shen, Distinguished Professor
San Diego State University, California, USA





Chapter 8: Spectral Analysis and Filtering of Time Series

R Plot Fig. 8.1: Waves of Different Amplitudes, Periods and Phases

#postscript("fig0801.eps", height=6, width=10)
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 0.5))
t = seq(0, 2, len = 1000)
y1 = sin(2*pi*t) #A=1, tau=1, phi=0
y2 = sin(2*pi*t/0.5) #A=1, tau=0.5, phi=0
y3 = 0.5*sin(2*pi*t  - pi/2) #A=0.5, tau=1, phi=0
y4 = 0.5*sin(2*pi*t/0.5 + pi/6) #A=0.5, tau=1, phi=pi/6
plot(t, y1, 
     type = 'l', lwd = 2,
     xlab = " ", ylab = "T(t)",
     cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5,
       'Function T(t): A=1, ', tau, '=1, ', phi,'=0')))
plot(t, y2, 
     type = 'l', lwd = 2,
     xlab = " ", ylab = "T(t)",
     cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5, col = 'red',
       'Function T(t): A=1, ', tau, '=0.5, ', phi,'=0')))
plot(t, y3, 
     type = 'l', lwd = 2,
     xlab = "Time t", ylab = "T(t)",
     cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5, col = 'blue',
       'Function T(t): A=0.5, ', tau, '=1, ', phi,'=', - pi/2)))
plot(t, y4, 
     type = 'l', lwd = 2,
     xlab = "Time t", ylab = "T(t)",
     cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5, col = 'purple',
       'Function T(t): A=0.5, ', tau, '=0.5, ', phi,'=', pi/6)))


R Plot Fig. 8.2: Wave Superposition

#postscript("fig0802.eps", height=6, width=10)
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.8, 2.5, 0.5))
plot(t, y1 + y2 + 2*y3 + y4, 
     type = 'l', lwd = 4,
     xlab = "Time t", ylab = "T(t)",
     cex.lab =1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5, col = 'blue',
     main='Superposition of several harmonics')


R Code for the Discrete Sine Transform (DST)

M = 5
time = 1:M - 1/2
freq = 1:M - 1/2
time_freq = outer(time, freq)
#Construct a sine transform matrix
Phi = sqrt(2/M)*sin((pi/M)*time_freq)
#Verify Phi is an orthogonal matrix
round((t(Phi)%*%Phi), digits = 2)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1    0    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    1    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    1    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    1    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    1
#The output is an identity matrix

ts = time^2  #Given time series data
## [1]  0.25  2.25  6.25 12.25 20.25
#[1]  0.25  2.25  6.25 12.25 20.25
ts_dst = t(Phi)%*%ts #DST transform
Recon = Phi%*%ts_dst #inverse DST 
t(Recon) #Verify Recon = ts
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
## [1,] 0.25 2.25 6.25 12.25 20.25
#[1,] 0.25 2.25 6.25 12.25 20.25


R Plot Fig. 8.3: Polar Expression of a Complex Number

#postscript("fig0803.eps", height=5.5, width=5.5)
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
t=seq(0, 2*pi, length=200)
plot(x,y,type="l", lwd=3, asp=1, 
     xlim=c(-bb + 3, bb),ylim=c(-bb + 3, bb),
arrows(c(-aa + 2, 0), c(0, -aa + 2), c(aa,0), c(0, aa), 
       length=0.1, code=2, lwd=2)
       length=0.15,code=2, lwd=1, angle=15)
lines(x2,y2, type="l")
segments(x1,0, x1,y1)
text(1.1*r,0.1*r, "1", cex=1.3)
text(-0.1*r, 1.1*r, "i", cex=1.5)
text(1.2*x1,1.1*y1, "(x,y)", cex=1.3)
text(0.3*r,-0.1*r, expression(paste(cos,theta)), 
text(1.35*x1,0.5*y1, expression(paste(sin,theta)), 
text(1.35*r,-0.1*r, "Real Axis", cex=1.3)
text(0.5*r, 1.35*r, "Imaginary Axis", cex=1.3)
text(-0.1*r, -0.1*r, "0", cex=1.5)
     expression(paste(theta)), cex=1.3)
expression(paste(e^{i*theta},"=", "cos",theta,"+ i sin",theta)), 


R Plot Fig. 8.4: The Unitary DFT Matrix

M = 200
i  = complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1)
time_freq = outer(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1))
U = exp(i*2*pi*time_freq/M) / sqrt(M)
Ure = Re(U) #Real part of U
Uim = Im(U) #Imaginary part of U

#postscript("fig0804a.eps", height=8.1, width=10)
par(mar=c(4.2, 5.5, 1.5, 0))
#Plot the real part
filled.contour(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1), Ure,
               color.palette = heat.colors,
               #     xlab = 't', ylab ='k',
  title(main = '(a) Real Part of the DFT Unitary Matrix',
                       xlab="t", cex.lab=2, cex.main = 1.5)
               key.axes = axis(4, cex.axis = 2)
#Plot the imaginary part
#postscript("fig0804b.eps", height=8.1, width=10)
par(mar=c(4.2, 5.5, 1.5, 0))
#Plot the real part
filled.contour(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1), Uim,
               color.palette = rainbow,
               #     xlab = 't', ylab ='k',
  title(main = '(b) Imaginary Part of the DFT Unitary Matrix',
                       xlab="t", cex.lab=2, cex.main = 1.5)
               key.axes = axis(4, cex.axis = 2)

#postscript("fig0804b2.eps", height=8.5, width=10)
par(mar=c(4, 4.5, 1.5, 0))
filled.contour(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1), Uim,
               color.palette = rainbow,
               xlab = 't', ylab ='k',
               cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.8,
               main= 'Imaginary Part of the DFT Unitary Matrix')


R code for DFT and iDFT

M = 9
ts = (1:M)^(1/2) #X is ts here
round(ts, digits = 2)
## [1] 1.00 1.41 1.73 2.00 2.24 2.45 2.65 2.83 3.00
#[1]  1.00 1.41 1.73 2.00 2.24 ...
i  = complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1)
time_freq = outer(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1))
U = exp(i*2*pi*time_freq/M) / sqrt(M)
ts_dft = t(Conj(U))%*%ts #DFT of ts
ts_rec = U%*%ts_dft #Inverse DFT for reconstruction
#Verify the reconstruction
round(t(ts_rec), digits = 2) 
##      [,1]    [,2]    [,3] [,4]    [,5]    [,6]    [,7]    [,8] [,9]
## [1,] 1+0i 1.41+0i 1.73+0i 2+0i 2.24+0i 2.45+0i 2.65+0i 2.83+0i 3+0i
#[1,] 1+0i 1.41+0i 1.73+0i 2+0i 2.24+0i ...


R plot Fig. 8.5: Real and Imaginary of the First Four Harmonics in DFT

M = 200
time = 1:200
i  = complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1)
time_freq = outer(0:(M-1), 0:(M-1))
U = exp(i*2*pi*time_freq/M) / sqrt(M)
Ure = Re(U) #Real part of U
Uim = Im(U) #Imaginary part of U
#postscript("fig0805.eps", height=6, width=8)
              nrow = 4, ncol = 2),
       heights = c(0.92, 0.7, 0.7, 1.16, 
                   0.92, 0.7, 0.7, 1.16),
       widths  = c(4, 3.3) # Widths of the 2 columns
par(mar=c(0,5,3,0)) #Zero space between (a) and (b)
plot(time, Ure[4,], pch =16, cex =0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="k=3",
     cex.axis = 1.6,  cex.lab = 1.6,  
     main ='Real part of DFT harmonics')
plot(time,Ure[3,],pch =16, cex =0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="k=2",
     cex.axis = 1.6,  cex.lab = 1.6)
plot(time,Ure[2,], pch =16, cex =0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1),
     xlab="", ylab="k=1",
     cex.axis = 1.6, cex.lab = 1.6)
plot(time,Ure[1,], pch =16, cex =0.3, 
     xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
     ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1),
     xlab="t", ylab="k=0",
     cex.axis = 1.6,  cex.lab = 1.6)
axis(1, at = c(0, 50, 100, 150), cex.axis=1.6)
axis(2, at = c(-0.1, 0, 0.1), cex.axis=1.6)

par(mar=c(0,0,3,1)) #Zero space between (a) and (b)
plot(time,Uim[4,], pch = 16, cex =0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
     cex.axis = 1.6,  cex.lab = 1.6,  
     main ='Imaginary part of DFT harmonics')
plot(time,Uim[3,], pch = 16, cex = 0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
     cex.axis = 1.6,  cex.lab = 1.6)
plot(time,Uim[2,], pch = 16, cex = 0.3, xaxt="n", 
     yaxt="n", ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1),
     xlab="", ylab="",
     cex.axis = 1.6, cex.lab = 1.6)
plot(time,Uim[1,], pch = 16, cex = 0.3, 
     yaxt="n", ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1),
     xlab="t", ylab="",
     cex.axis = 1.6, cex.lab = 1.6)


R Plot of Figs. 8.6 and 8.7

Lon <- ncvar_get(nc, "lon")
Lat1 <- ncvar_get(nc, "lat")
Time <- ncvar_get(nc, "time")
               c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1800)) 
## $month
## [1] 1
## $day
## [1] 1
## $year
## [1] 1948
NcepT <- ncvar_get(nc, "air")
## [1] 144  73 878
#[1] 144 73 878, 
#i.e., 878 months=1948-01 to 2021-02, 73 years 2 mons
#Tokyo (35.67N, 139.65E) monthly temperature data 2011-2020
## [1] 35
#[1] 35oN
## [1] 140
#[1] 140
m1 =,
                    c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1800)) 
## [1] 2011
#[1] 2011
## [1] 1
#[1] 1  i.e., January
TokyoT = NcepT[56,29, 757:876] #2011-2020
M = length(TokyoT)
t1 = seq(2011, 2020, len = M)
#Plot Fig. 8.6: Tokyo temperature 2011-2020
plot(t1, TokyoT, 
     type = 'l', lwd=1.5,
     xlab = "Time [mon]", 
     ylab = 'Temperature [deg C]',
     main = 'NCEP Monthly Tokyo Temperature: 2011-2020',
     cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4)

#Compute FFT
TokyoT_FFT = fft(TokyoT-mean(TokyoT))

#R plot Fig. 8.7: Peoriodogram of Tokyo temperature
#postscript("fig0807.eps", height=8, width=8)
              nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
       heights = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
       widths  = c(1, 1) # Widths of the 2 columns
par(mar=c(4.5, 5, 2, 1))
kk = 0:59
plot(kk, Mod(TokyoT_FFT)[1:60]^2,
     type = 'l', lwd=2,
     xlab = 'k', ylab = 'Spectral Power',
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     main = 'Periodogram of Mon. Tokyo Temp')
text(50,21000, '(a)', cex = 2)

f_mon = kk/M
plot(f_mon, Mod(TokyoT_FFT)[1:60]^2,
     type = 'l', lwd=2, 
     xlab = 'Cycles per month', ylab = 'Spectral Power',
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     main = 'Periodogram in terms of month')
text(0.45,21000, '(c)', cex = 2)
#axis(1, at = c(0.08, 0.17, 0.33, 0.50), cex.axis=1.6)

f_year = 12*kk/M
plot(f_year, Mod(TokyoT_FFT)[1:60]^2,
     type = 'l', lwd=2,
     xlab = 'Cycles per year', ylab = 'Spectral Power',
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     main = 'Periodogram in terms of year')
text(5.5,21000, '(b)', cex = 2)

tau = 120/kk[0:60]
plot(tau, Mod(TokyoT_FFT)[1:60]^2,
     log = 'x', xaxt="n",
     type = 'l', lwd=2,
     xlab = 'Period in month (in log scale)', 
     ylab = 'Spectral Power',
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     main = 'Periodogram in terms of period')
text(90,21000, '(d)', cex = 2)
axis(1, at = c(3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96), cex.axis=1.6)


R Code to Verify Parseval’s Identity

M = 8
X = rnorm(M) #Time series data
DFT_X = fft(X)/sqrt(M) #Compute DFT using FFT
t(X)%*%X - sum(Mod(DFT_X)^2)
##              [,1]
## [1,] 3.552714e-15
#[1,] 2.220446e-15 #Approximately zero


R Plot Fig. 8.8: Fourier Series over [-1,1]

i  = complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1)
T = 2
t = seq(-T/2,T/2, len = 401)
#Define the original function x(t)
xt <- ( t >= -1 & t < 0) * (-4) +
  ( t <= 1 & t > 0) * (4) 
#Plot the function x(t)
#postscript("fig0808.eps", height=5, width=8)
par(mar = c(4, 4.5, 2, 0.5))
plot(t, xt, type = 'l', 
     ylim = c(-5,5),
     xlab='t', ylab='x(t)',
main = 'Approximate a function by a finite sum of series',
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis =1.4, cex.main =1.4,
     lwd = 5, col = 'red')

#Plot the partial sum of Fourier series from -K to K
J = c(3, 10, 100)
Fcol = c('brown', 'blue','black')
for (j in 1:3){
  k = -J[j]:J[j]
  RK= colSums(8/(i*pi*(2*k-1))*exp(i*pi*outer(2*k-1, t)))
  lines(t, Re(RK), type = 'l', 
        col = Fcol[j])
legend(-1.05, 5.1, 
       legend = c('Function x(t)', 'Sum of 7 terms', 
                  'Sum of 21 terms', 'Sum of 201 terms'),
       col = c('red', 'brown', 'blue', 'black'), 
       lty = c(1,1,1,1), lwd = c(5, 1,1,1),
       cex = 1.3, bty = 'n')


R Plot Fig. 8.9 for Exercise 8.4

#setEPS() #Automatically saves the .eps file
#postscript("fig0809.eps", height=5, width=7)
par(mar = c(4.5, 4, 2.5, 0.2))
M = 51
t = seq(0, 10, len = M)
ys = 10*sin(t)
yn = rnorm(M, 0, 3)
yd = ys + yn
plot(t, yd, type = 'o', lwd = 2,
     ylim = c(-20, 20), 
     xlab = 't', ylab = 'y',
     main = 'Data, signal, and noise for a DST filter',
     cex.lab = 1.4, cex.axis = 1.4) 
legend(0, -16, 'Data = Signal + Noise', 
       lty = 1, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, cex = 1.4)
lines(t, ys, col = 'blue', lwd = 4)
legend(0, -10, 'Signal', cex = 1.4,
       lty = 1, bty = 'n', lwd = 4, col = 'blue')
lines(t, yn, col = 'brown')
legend(0, -13, 'Noise', cex = 1.4,
       lty = 1, bty = 'n', col = 'brown')