Statistics and Data Visualizations in Climate Science

with R and Python


A Cambridge University Press Book by

SSP Shen and GR North



Version 1.0 released in July 2023 and coded by Dr. Samuel Shen, Distinguished Professor
San Diego State University, California, USA





Chapter 3: Estimation and Decision Making

Plot Fig. 3.1: R code

#Simulation of the standard error of mean
#setEPS() # save the .eps figure file to the working directory
#postscript("fig0301.eps", height = 5, width = 10)
mu = 0; sig = 10; m=10000; n = 100; k = m*n
x = rnorm(k, mean = mu, sd = sig)
par(mar = c(4, 4.5, 2, 1.5))
hist(x, breaks = 201, xlim = c(-40,40),
     main = expression('Histogram of x: sd(x) = 10'),
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5)
text(-25, 19000, '(a)', cex =1.3)
xmat = matrix(x, ncol = n)
xbar = rowMeans(xmat)
hist(xbar, breaks = 31, xlim = c(-40,40),
     xlab = expression(bar(x)),
     main = expression('Histogram of '*bar(x)* 
                         ': sd('*bar(x)*') = 1'),
     cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
     cex.main = 1.5)
text(-25, 750, '(b)', cex =1.3)


Verification of 95% CI by Numerical Simulation

m=10000 #10,000 experiments
x = 1:m
n = 30 #sample size n
truemean = 8
da = matrix(rnorm(n*m, mean = truemean, sd = 1), nrow = m)
esmean = rowMeans(da) #sample mean
essd = rowSds(da) #sample SD
upperci = esmean + 1.96*essd/sqrt(n) #interval upper limit
lowerci = esmean - 1.96*essd/sqrt(n) #interval lower limit
for(k in 1:m){
  if(upperci[k] >= truemean & lowerci[k] <= truemean )
} #Determine if the true mean is inside the interval
l/m #Percentage of truth
## [1] 0.9406
#[1] 0.9425 #which is approximately 0.95


Plot Fig. 3.2: R code

#Plot confidence intervals and tail probabilities
#setEPS() # save the .eps figure file to the working directory
#postscript("fig0302.eps", height = 4.5, width = 6.5)
curve(dnorm(x,0,1), xlim=c(-3,3), lwd=3,
      main='Confidence Intervals and Confidence Levels',
      xlab="True mean as a normally distributed random variable", 
      ylab="", xaxt="n", cex.lab=1.2) 
title(ylab='Probability density', line=2, cex.lab=1.2)
polygon(c(-1.96, seq(-1.96,1.96,len=100), 1.96),
polygon(c(-1.0,seq(-1.0, 1, length=100), 1),
        c(0, dnorm(seq(-1.0, 1, length=100)), 0.0),col='white')
polygon(c(-3.0,seq(-3.0, -1.96, length=100), -1.96),
        c(0, dnorm(seq(-3.0, -1.96, length=100)), 0.0),col='red')
polygon(c(1.96,seq(1.96, 3.0, length=100), 3.0),
        c(0, dnorm(seq(1.96, 3.0, length=100)), 0.0),col='red')
points(c(-1,1), c(0,0), pch=19, col="blue")
points(0,0, pch=19)
points(c(-1.96,1.96),c(0,0),pch=19, col="red")
text(0,0.02, expression(bar(x)), cex=1.0)
text(-1.50,0.02, "SE", cex=1.0)
text(-0.60,0.02, "SE", cex=1.0)
text(1.50,0.02, "SE", cex=1.0)
text(0.60,0.02, "SE", cex=1.0)
text(0,0.2, "Probability 
     = 0.68")
arrows(-2.8,0.06,-2.35,0.01, length=0.1)
text(-2.5,0.09, "Probability


R Code for Edmonton Jan 1880-1929 Temp Statistics

da1 =read.csv("data/Lat52.5_Lon-112.5.csv", header=TRUE)
## [1] 1642    3
#[1] 1642    3 #1642 months: Jan 1880 - Oct 2016
##                                                    Level.Name       Date
## 1 NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Anomalies 1880-01-01
## 2 NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Anomalies 1880-02-01
##     Value
## 1 -7.9609
## 2 -4.2510
#        Date   Value
#1 1880-01-01 -7.9609
#2 1880-02-01 -4.2510
jan = seq(1, 1642, by=12)
Tjan = da1[jan,]
TJ50 = Tjan[1:50, 3]
xbar = mean(TJ50)
sdEdm = sd(TJ50)
EM = 1.96*sdEdm/sqrt(50) 
CIupper = xbar + EM
CIlower = xbar - EM
round(c(xbar, sdEdm, EM, CIlower, CIupper), digits =2)
## [1] -2.47  4.95  1.37 -3.84 -1.10
#[1] -2.47  4.95  1.37 -3.84 -1.10


Plot Fig. 3.3: R code

#52.5N, 112.5W, Edmonton, NOAAGlobalTemp Version 3.0
#setEPS() # save the .eps figure file to the working directory
#postscript("fig0303.eps", height = 7, width = 10)
da1 =read.csv("data/Lat52.5_Lon-112.5.csv", header=TRUE)
jan =seq(1, 1642, by=12)
Tjan = da1[jan,]
regJan = lm(Tjan[,3] ~ t)
par(mar=c(3.6,4.5,2,1.3), mgp = c(2.3, 0.9, 0))
plot(t, Tjan[,3], type="l",
     main = "Edmonton January Surface Air Temperature Anomalies",
     xlab = "Time: 1880-2016", 
     ylab = expression("Temperature Anomaly:"~degree~C),
     ylim=c(-20,10), cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4)
m19972006 = mean(Tjan[118:137, 3]) #1997--2016 Jan mean
m18801929 = mean(Tjan[1:50, 3]) #1880--1929 Jan mean
EM = 1.96*sd(Tjan[1:50, 3])/sqrt(50)
lines(t, rep(0,length(t)), lty = 2)
lines(t[118:137], rep(m19972006, 20), 
      col = 'blue', lwd = 3, lty = 1)
lines(t[1:50], rep(m18801929, 50), 
      col = 'darkgreen', lwd = 3, lty = 1)
lines(t[1:50], rep(m18801929 - EM, 50), 
      col = 'darkgreen', lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
lines(t[1:50], rep(m18801929 + EM, 50), 
      col = 'darkgreen', lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
abline(regJan, col='red', lwd = 2)
text(1920, 9, 
     expression("Linear trend: 3.78"~degree~C~"per century"), 
     col="red", cex=1.4) 
text(2005, -17, 
     paste('1997-2016', '\nmean = ', 
           round({m19972006}, digits = 2)),
     col = 'blue', cex = 1.4)
text(1905, -17, 
     paste('1880-1929', '\nmean = ', 
           round({m18801929}, digits = 2)),
     col = 'darkgreen', cex = 1.4)


Plot Fig. 3.4: R code

#setEPS() # save the .eps figure file to the working directory
#postscript("fig0304.eps", height = 7, width = 10)
x = seq(-3,6, len=1000)
plot(x, dnorm(x,0,1), type="l",
     lwd=2, bty='n',
     main='Probability Density Functions of 
Null and Alternative Hypotheses for Inference',
     xlab='', ylab='',
     cex.lab=1.2, ylim=c(-0.05,0.6)) 
lines(x, dnorm(x,2.5,1), 
      lwd=2, lty=2,
      type="l", col='blue')
segments(-3,0, 6,0)
polygon(c(2.0,seq(2.0, 4, length=100), 4),
        c(0, dnorm(seq(2, 4, length=100)), 0.0),col='pink')
arrows( 2.6,0.08, 2.25,0.015, length=0.2, angle=8, 
        lwd=2, col='red')
text(3.5,0.09,expression(alpha*": Significance level"), 
     col='red', cex=1.4)
polygon(c(-1,seq(-1, 2, length=100), 2),
        c(0, dnorm(seq(-1, 2, length=100), 2.5,1), 0),
lines(x, dnorm(x,0,1), type="l") 
text(1.5,0.05,expression(beta), col='blue', cex=1.5)
segments(2,-0.05,2,0.6, col='red')
points(2,0, col='red', pch=16)
text(1.3,-0.06, expression("Critical value "*x[c]), 
     cex=1.4, col='red')
segments(0,0, 0,0.5, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
segments(2.5,0, 2.5,0.5, lty=3, lwd=1.5, col='blue')
lines(x, dnorm(x,0,1), type="l") 
arrows( 3.0,0.038, 2.7,0.005, length=0.2, angle=8, 
        lwd=2, col='blue')
text(3.2,0.05,"p-value", col='blue', cex=1.5)
points(2.5,0, col='blue', pch=16)
text(-1.3,0.55, "Probability density 
function of the  
H0 distribution", cex=1.4)
text(4,0.55, "Probability density 
function of the test statistic 
when H1 is true", cex=1.4, col='blue')
text(3,-0.03, expression("Statistic "*x[s]), 
     cex=1.4, col='blue')
arrows( 2.0,0.45, 6,0.45, length=0.2, angle=10, 
        lwd=1.5, col='blue', code=3)
text(4,0.42, expression("Accept"~H[1]), 
     cex=1.4, col='blue')
arrows( -2,0.45,2.0,0.45,  length=0.2, angle=10, 
        lwd=1.5, code=3)
text(1,0.42, expression("Accept"~H[0]), cex=1.4)
text(-0.5,0.09, expression(1- alpha *": Confidence level"), 
     col='grey40', cex=1.4)
text(3,0.17, expression(1-beta*': Power'), 
     col='darkgreen', cex=1.4)
arrows(0,0.49, 2.5,0.49, length=0.2, angle=20, 
       lwd=1.5, col='maroon', code=3)
text(1.3,0.52, "Difference",  col='maroon', cex=1.4)
text(0,-0.04,expression(mu[0]),  cex=1.6)


Edmonton 1997-2016 Hypothesis Testing Example

da1 =read.csv("data/Lat52.5_Lon-112.5.csv", header=TRUE)
jan =seq(1, dim(da1)[1], by=12) #Jan indices
Tjan = da1[jan,] #Jan data matrix
da3=Tjan[118:137, 3] #1997--2016 data string
xbar = mean(da3); s = sd(da3); EM = 1.96*s/sqrt(20)
round(c(xbar, s, EM, xbar - EM, xbar + EM), digits = 2)
## [1] 1.53 2.94 1.29 0.24 2.83
#[1] 1.53 2.94 1.29 0.24 2.83
## [1] 2.331112
#[1] 2.331112 #t-statistic xs
1 - pt(2.331112, 19)
## [1] 0.01545624
#[1] 0.01545624  less than the significance level 0.05


Plot Fig. 3.5: R code

#AR(1) process and its simulation
#setEPS() # save the figure to an .eps file 
#postscript("fig0305.eps", height = 8, width = 10)
par(mfcol = c(2, 2))

lam=0.9; alf=0.25; y0=4 #AR1 process parameters
library(forecast) #Load the forecast package
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
##   method            from
## zoo
n <- 1000 #Generate an AR1 process of length n 
x <- rep(0,n)
w <- rnorm(n)
x[1] <- y0
# loop to create time series x
for (t in 2:n) x[t] <- lam * x[t-1] + alf * w[t]
plot(201:400, x[201:400],type='l', 
     xlab="Time", ylab="x", 
     main=expression("AR(1) Time Series: " * rho *"=0.9"),
     cex.lab=1.8, cex.axis=1.8, cex.main=1.6)
text(15,3.5, "(a)", cex=1.8)

#Calculate the auto-correlation
M <- 10
rho <- rep(0,M)
for (m in 1:M){
plot(rho, type='p', ylim=c(0,1), 
     xlab="Time lag", 
main=expression("Lagged auto-correlation: " * rho *"=0.9"),
     lwd=1.8, cex.lab=1.8, cex.axis=1.8, cex.main=1.6)
text(2,0.95, "(c)", cex=1.8)

rhotheory <- rep(0,M) #Theoretical auto-correlation
for (m in 1:M){rhotheory[m]=lam^m}
points(rhotheory, col="blue", pch=3, lwd=3)

#AR1 process for rho = 0.6
lam=0.6; alf=0.25; y0=4
n <- 1000; x <- rep(0,n); w <- rnorm(n); x[1] <- y0

# loop to create time series x
for (t in 2:n) x[t] <- lam * x[t-1] + alf * w[t]
plot(201:400, x[201:400],type='l', 
     xlab="Time", ylab="x", 
main=expression("AR(1) Time Series: " * rho *"=0.6"),
     cex.lab=1.8, cex.axis=1.8, cex.main=1.6)
text(15,3.5, "(b)", cex=1.8)

#Calculate the auto-correlation
M <- 10
rho <- rep(0,M)
for (m in 1:M){
  rho[m]=cor(x[1:(n-m)], x[(1+m):n])
plot(rho, type='p', ylim=c(0,1), 
     xlab="Time lag", 
main=expression("Lagged auto-correlation: " * rho *"=0.6"),
     lwd=1.8, cex.lab=1.8, cex.axis=1.8, cex.main=1.6)
text(2,0.95, "(d)", cex=1.8)

rhotheory <- rep(0,M) #Theoretical auto-correlation
for (m in 1:M){rhotheory[m]=lam^m}
points(rhotheory, col="blue", pch=3, lwd=3)
# Back to the original graphics device
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))


R plot Fig. 3.6: NOAAGlobalTemp V5 1880-2019

da1 =read.table("data/NOAAGlobalTempAnn2019.txt", 
                header=FALSE) #read data
## [1] 140   6
#[1] 140   6 #140 years of anomalies data
da1[1:2,1:5] #column 1: year; column 2: data
##     V1        V2       V3       V4       V5
## 1 1880 -0.432972 0.009199 0.000856 0.000850
## 2 1881 -0.399448 0.009231 0.000856 0.000877
#    V1        V2       V3       V4       V5
#1 1880 -0.432972 0.009199 0.000856 0.000850
#2 1881 -0.399448 0.009231 0.000856 0.000877
##       V1       V2       V3      V4    V5
## 139 2018 0.511763 0.005803 8.6e-05 2e-06
## 140 2019 0.633489 0.005803 8.6e-05 2e-06
#      V1       V2       V3      V4    V5
#139 2018 0.511763 0.005803 8.6e-05 2e-06
#140 2019 0.633489 0.005803 8.6e-05 2e-06
t=da1[,1]; Tann = da1[,2]
regAnn = lm(Tann ~ t)
#setEPS() # save the figure to an .eps file 
#postscript("fig0306.eps", height = 7, width = 10)
plot(t, Tann, type="l", lwd=2.5,
main = "NOAA Global Average Annual Mean SAT Anomalies",
     xlab = "Time", ylab = "Temperature Anomalies [deg C]",
     cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4)
abline(lm(Tann ~t), col='red', lwd=1.3)
lines(t, rep(0, 140), col='blue')
lines(t[41:70], rep(mean(Tann[41:70]), 30), 
      col='green', lwd=4) # 1920-1949 mean
lines(t[71:100], rep(mean(Tann[71:100]), 30), 
      col='green', lwd=4) #1950-1979 mean
lines(t[101:130], rep(mean(Tann[101:130]), 30), 
      col='green', lwd=4) #1980-2010 mean
lm(Tann ~t)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Tann ~ t)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)            t  
##  -14.741366     0.007435
#(Intercept)            t  
#-14.741366     0.007435
text(1940, 0.5, 
     expression("Linear trend 0.74"~degree~C~"per century"),
     col='red', cex=1.4)

#0.007435 #0.7 deg C per century


R Code for the 1920-1949 NOAAGlobalTemp Statistics

da1 =read.table("data/NOAAGlobalTempAnn2019.txt", 
                header=FALSE) #read data
Ta = da1[41:70,2]
n = 30
xbar = mean(Ta)
s = sd(Ta)
r1 = cor(Ta[1:29], Ta[2:30])
neff = n*(1 - r1)/(1 + r1)
neff = 4 #[1] 3.677746 approximately equal to 4
print(paste('rho =', round(r1, digits =2), 
            'neff =', round(neff, digits =2)))
## [1] "rho = 0.78 neff = 4"
#[1] "rho = 0.78 neff = 4"
tc0 = qt(0.975, 29, lower.tail=TRUE)#dof of t is 30 - 1
tc = qt(0.975, 3, lower.tail=TRUE)#dof of t is neff -1 
CI1 = xbar - tc0*s/sqrt(n); CI2 = xbar + tc0*s/sqrt(n)
CI3 = xbar - tc*s/sqrt(neff); CI4 = xbar + tc*s/sqrt(neff)
round(c(xbar, s, r1, CI1, CI2, CI3, CI4, tc), digits = 2)
## [1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.44 -0.32 -0.63 -0.13  3.18
#[1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.44 -0.32 -0.63 -0.13  3.18


R Code for the 1920-1949 NOAAGlobalTemp Statistics

Old version code for the CIs:

#Old version code for the CIs not included in the book: 
#R code for the 1920-1949 NOAAGlobalTemp statistics
da1 =read.table("data/NOAAGlobalTempAnn2019.txt", 
                header=FALSE) #read data
Ta = da1[41:70,2]
n = 30
xbar = mean(Ta)
s = sd(Ta)
r1 = cor(Ta[1:29], Ta[2:30])
neff = n*(1 - r1)/(1 + r1)
neff #[1] 3.677746 approximately equal to 4
## [1] 3.677746
neff = 4
CI1 = xbar - s/sqrt(n); CI2 = xbar + s/sqrt(n)
CI3 = xbar - s/sqrt(neff); CI4 = xbar + s/sqrt(neff)
print(paste('rho =', round(r1, digits =2), 
            'neff =', round(neff, digits =2)))
## [1] "rho = 0.78 neff = 4"
#[1] "rho = 0.78 neff = 4"
tc = qt(0.975, 4, lower.tail=TRUE)
round(c(xbar, s, r1, CI1, CI2, CI3, CI4, tc), digits = 2)
## [1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.41 -0.35 -0.46 -0.30  2.78
#[1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.41 -0.35 -0.46 -0.30  2.78

#dof of t is n_eff - 1 =3
tc0 = qt(0.975, 29, lower.tail=TRUE)
tc = qt(0.975, 3, lower.tail=TRUE)
CI1 = xbar - tc0*s/sqrt(n); CI2 = xbar + tc0*s/sqrt(n)
CI3 = xbar - tc*s/sqrt(neff); CI4 = xbar + tc*s/sqrt(neff)
round(c(xbar, s, r1, CI1, CI2, CI3, CI4, tc), digits = 2)
## [1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.44 -0.32 -0.63 -0.13  3.18
#[1] -0.38  0.16  0.78 -0.44 -0.32 -0.63 -0.13  3.18
##Done with the CI computing. The old CI code ends here. 


R code for the 1950-1979 and 1980-2009 Statistics

#  The 1950-1979 NOAAGlobalTemp statistics
Ta = da1[71:100,2] #1950-1979
n = 30
xbar = mean(Ta)
s = sd(Ta)
r1 = cor(Ta[1:29], Ta[2:30])
neff = n*(1 - r1)/(1 + r1)
neff #[1] 19.02543 approximately equal to 19
## [1] 19.02543
neff = 19
round(c(xbar, s, r1, neff), digits = 2)
## [1] -0.29  0.11  0.22 19.00
#[1] -0.29  0.11  0.22 19.00


The 1980-2009 NOAAGlobalTemp Statistics

Ta = da1[101:130,2]#1980-2009
n = 30
xbar = mean(Ta)
s = sd(Ta)
r1 = cor(Ta[1:29], Ta[2:30])
neff = n*(1 - r1)/(1 + r1)
neff #[1] 4.322418 approximately equal to 4
## [1] 4.322418
neff = 4
round(c(xbar, s, r1, neff), digits = 2)
## [1] 0.12 0.16 0.75 4.00
#[1] 0.12 0.16 0.75 4.00


t-Statistic for 1950-1979 and 1980-2009 Difference

ts = (-0.29 - 0.12)/sqrt(0.11^2/19 + 0.16^2/4)
ts  #[1] -4.887592
## [1] -4.887592


Chi-square test for Dodge City, Kansas, USA

((9-15)^2)/15+ ((6-7)^2)/7 + ((16-9)^2)/9
## [1] 7.987302
#7.987302 #This is the Chi-statistic
1 - pchisq(7.987302, df=2)  #Compute the tail probability
## [1] 0.01843229
#[1] 0.01843229 #p-value
1 - pchisq(5.99, df=2) #Compute the tail probability
## [1] 0.05003663
#[1] 0.05003663 # Thus, xc = 5.99


R: Omaha monthly precipitation and Gamma

#Read the Omaha monthly precipitation data
Omaha=read.csv("data/OmahaP.csv", header=TRUE)
## [1] 864   7
#[1] 864   7  : Jan 1948-Dec 2019: 864 months, 72 years*12
daP = matrix(Omaha[,7], ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
y = daP[,6] #Omaha June precipitation data 
#Fit the data
## Loading required package: MASS
## Loading required package: survival
omahaPfit = fitdist(y, distr = "gamma", method = "mle")
## Fitting of the distribution ' gamma ' by maximum likelihood 
## Parameters : 
##         estimate  Std. Error
## shape 1.51760921 0.229382819
## rate  0.01889428 0.003365757
## Loglikelihood:  -384.4279   AIC:  772.8557   BIC:  777.409 
## Correlation matrix:
##         shape    rate
## shape 1.00000 0.84452
## rate  0.84452 1.00000
#        estimate  Std. Error
#shape 1.51760921 0.229382819
#rate  0.01889428 0.003365757


Plot the figure: Fig. 3.7

#setEPS() # save the .eps figure 
#postscript("fig0307.eps", height = 5.6, width = 8)
hist(y, breaks= seq(0,300,by=25),
     xlim=c(0,300), ylim=c(0,20),
     main="Histogram and Its Fitted Gamma Distribution 
     for Omaha June Precip: 1948-2019", 
     xlab="Precipitation [mm]", cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4)
density = function(y) dgamma(y, shape=1.5176, rate=0.0189)
plot(y, density(y), col="blue",
     pch=20, cex=0.5, ylim=c(0,0.01),
     axes=FALSE, bty="n", xlab="", ylab="")
axis(4, cex.axis=1.4, col='blue', col.axis='blue')
mtext("Gamma Density", cex=1.4,
      side = 4, line = 3, col="blue")
text(140, 0.009, cex=1.4, col="blue",
     "Gamma: Shape=1.5176, Rate=0.0189")


R code: Chi-square Test for the Goodness of Fit: Omaha prcp

Omaha=read.csv("data/OmahaP.csv", header=TRUE)
## [1] 864   7
#[1] 864   7  : Jan 1948-Dec 2019: 864 months, 72 years*12
daP = matrix(Omaha[,7], ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
y = daP[,6] #Omaha June precipitation data 
n = 72 #Total number of observations
m = 12 #12 bins for the histogram in [0, 300] mm
p1 = pgamma(seq(0,300, by=300/m), 
            shape=1.5176, rate=0.0189)
p1[m+1] = 1
p2 = p1[2:(m+1)]-p1[1:m]
y # The 72 years of Omaha June precipitation
##  [1]  56.2 171.0  42.9 123.9 123.0  94.6  81.4 109.5  67.9 159.4  32.8 140.6
## [13] 144.6 112.7  65.2 118.6 162.6 131.0 150.6 250.7 112.8  83.1  63.0  83.8
## [25]  26.2  39.8  45.5 109.2  72.1  61.1  55.5  54.2 228.4  54.4 105.6 165.7
## [37] 141.5  44.0  60.3  83.6  40.6 128.3  98.6 197.8  36.6 204.0 217.0  32.7
## [49]  63.3  58.7  37.6  28.2  83.0  39.4   3.3  74.0  51.3  26.5   6.7   0.8
## [61]  39.6   9.1  60.5  33.3   9.7  27.0   5.6  62.8  19.5   9.2  26.4  23.8
cuts = cut(y, breaks = seq(0,300,by=300/m))
#The cut function in R assigns values into bins
Oi <- c(t(table(cuts))) #Extract the cut results
Ei = round(p2*n, digits=1) #Theoretical results
rbind(Oi, Ei)
##    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## Oi    9 17.0 16.0  7.0  8.0  5.0  5.0  1.0  2.0   1.0   1.0   0.0
## Ei   13 15.7 12.8  9.5  6.8  4.7  3.2  2.1  1.4   0.9   0.6   1.2
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
#Oi 9 17.0 16.0  7.0  8.0  5.0  5.0  1.0  2.0   1.0   1.0  0.0
#Ei13 15.6 12.8  9.5  6.8  4.7  3.2  2.1  1.4   0.9   0.6  1.2
sum(((Oi - Ei)^2)/Ei)
## [1] 6.350832
#[1] 6.350832 #Chi-square statistic
1 - pchisq(19.68, df=11) #Compute the tail probability
## [1] 0.04992718
#[1] 0.04992718 # Thus, xc = 19.68
1 - pchisq(6.3508, df=11) #Compute the tail probability
## [1] 0.8489629
#[1] 0.8489629 #p-value


K-S test for a set of generated data from N(0,1): R code

x = rnorm(60)
ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean=0, sd=1)
##  Exact one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  x
## D = 0.15893, p-value = 0.08626
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
#D = 0.10421, p-value = 0.4997 
#The large p-value implies no significant difference

#K-S test of uniformly distributed data vs N(0,1) population
u = runif(60)
ks.test(u, "pnorm", mean=0, sd=1)
##  Exact one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  u
## D = 0.50211, p-value = 1.732e-14
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
#D = 0.50368, p-value = 1.366e-14
#The small p-value implies significant difference


Plot Fig. 3.8: K-S test and R code

#setEPS() # save the .eps figure 
#postscript("fig0308.eps", height = 5.6, width = 8)
da1 =read.csv("data/EdmontonT.csv", header=TRUE)
m1 = mean(x)
s1 = sd(x)
xa = (x- m1)/s1
ks.test(xa, "pnorm", mean=0, sd=1)
## Warning in ks.test.default(xa, "pnorm", mean = 0, sd = 1): ties should not be
## present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
##  Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  xa
## D = 0.074186, p-value = 2.829e-08
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
#Dn = 0.074186, p-value = 2.829e-08 => significant difference
plot(ecdf(xa), pch =3,
  main="Cumulative Distributions: Data vs Model", 
  xlab=expression(paste('Temperature Anomalies [',degree,'C]')), 
  ylab=expression(paste(F[obs],': Percentile/100')),
  cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4)
x=seq(-5,5, by=0.1)
lines(x,pnorm(x), col='blue')
axis(4, cex.axis=1.4, col='blue', 
mtext(expression(paste(F[exp],': CDF of N(0,1)')), 
      cex=1.4, side = 4, line = 3, col="blue")
text(2, 0.05, cex=1.4, col="red",
     expression(paste('K-S test: ', D[n], 
                     '= 0.0742, p-value' %~~% '0' )))
text(2, 0.22, cex=1.4, col="red",
     expression(paste(D[n], '= max|', 
                      F[obs] -F[exp], '|')))
         x[m],pnorm(x[m])- 0.0742,
         lwd=2, col='red')


R: K-S Test for Omaha June Precip vs Gamma

Omaha=read.csv("data/OmahaP.csv", header=TRUE)
daP = matrix(Omaha[,7], ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
y = daP[,6] #June precipitation 1948-2019
omahaPfit = fitdist(y, distr = "gamma", method = "mle")
#shape 1.51760921, rate  0.01889428
ks.test(y, "pgamma", shape = 1.51760921, rate= 0.01889428)
##  Exact one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  y
## D = 0.066249, p-value = 0.8893
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
#D = 0.066249, p-value = 0.8893 #y is the Omaha data string
#You may verify the K-S statistic using another command
## Goodness-of-fit statistics
##                              1-mle-gamma
## Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic  0.06624946
## Cramer-von Mises statistic    0.04835554
## Anderson-Darling statistic    0.36649255
## Goodness-of-fit criteria
##                                1-mle-gamma
## Akaike's Information Criterion    772.8557
## Bayesian Information Criterion    777.4090
#Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic  0.06624946 


Plot Fig. 3.9: Sensitive to outliers and R code

#setEPS() # save the .eps figure 
#postscript("fig0309.eps", height = 5.6, width = 8)
x = c(0.2*runif(50),1)
y = c(0.2*runif(50),1)
plot(x,y, pch=19, cex=0.5,
     cex.axis =1.6, cex.lab = 1.6)



r = cor(x, y)
## [1] 11.68693
#[1] 10.19999
qt(0.975, df=49)
## [1] 2.009575
#[1] 2.009575 #This is critical t value
1 - pt(10.19999, df=49)
## [1] 5.195844e-14
#[1] 5.195844e-14 # a very small p-value


R code for Kendall tau Test

x = c(0.2*runif(50),1)
y = c(0.2*runif(50),1)
## tau = -0.0416, 2-sided pvalue =0.67277
#tau = 0.114, 2-sided pvalue =0.24216


R code for Mann-Kendall Test: Edmonton Data

#Read Edmonton data from the gridded NOAAGlobalTemp
da1 =read.csv("data/EdmontonT.csv", header=TRUE)
m1 = mean(x)
s1 = sd(x)
xa = (x- m1)/s1 #standardized anomalies
## Score =  206254 , Var(Score) = 492349056
## denominator =  1347254
## tau = 0.153, 2-sided pvalue =< 2.22e-16
#Score =  206254 , Var(Score) = 492349056
#tau = 0.153, 2-sided pvalue =< 2.22e-16