# go to your working directory
# read the data file from the folder named "data"
NOAAtemp = read.table(
header=FALSE) #Read from the data folder
# check the data matrix dimension
## [1] 140 6
#[1] 140 6
#140 years from 1880 to 2019
#2019 will be excluded since data only up to July 2019
#col1 is year, col2 is anomalies, col3-6 are data errors
# set the plot margins and the positions of labels
par(mar=c(3.5,3.5,2.5,1), mgp=c(2,0.8,0))
plot(NOAAtemp[1:139,1], NOAAtemp[1:139,2],
type ="o", col="brown", lwd=3,
main ="Global Land-Ocean Average Annual Mean
Surface Temperature Anomalies: 1880-2018",
paste("Temperature Anomaly [", degree,"C]"))
plot(NOAAtemp[1:139,1], NOAAtemp[1:139,2],
type="s", #staircase curve for data
col="black", lwd=2,
main="Global Land-Ocean Average Annual Mean
Surface Temperature Anomalies: 1880-2018",
"Temperature Anomaly [", degree,"C]"))
x <- NOAAtemp[,1]
y <- NOAAtemp[,2]
z <- rep(-99, length(x))
# compute 5-point moving average
for (i in 3:length(x)-2) z[i] =
n1 <- which(y>=0); x1 <- x[n1]; y1 <- y[n1]
n2 <- which(y<0); x2 <- x[n2]; y2 <- y[n2]
x3 <- x[2:length(x)-2]
y3 <- z[2:length(x)-2]
plot(x1, y1, type="h", #bars for data
xlim = c(1880,2016), lwd=3,
tck = 0.02, #tck>0 makes ticks inside the plot
ylim = c(-0.7,0.7), xlab="Year", col="red",
ylab = expression(paste(
"Temperature Anomaly [", degree,"C]")),
main ="Global Land-Ocean Average Annual Mean
Surface Temperature Anomalies: 1880-2018",
cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2)
lines(x2, y2, type="h",
lwd = 3, tck = -0.02, col = "blue")
lines(x3, y3, lwd = 2)